All fields with an asterisk are required.

    Camp Creina Pricing Information

    • Buildings: $12 per person, per night (Kakaleetza, Maple Lodge)

    • Buildings: $14 per person, per night (Maple Lodge and Bunkhouse)

    • Platform Tents: $10 per person, per night (Khenispen, Naomona)

    • Tent Pads: $10 per person, per night (Sail-O-Quas, McBryan, Lamalcha, Kaatsa)

    • Unit or Committee Meeting at Creina: $5 flat fee

    Duncan Guide Hall Pricing Information

    • $2 per member for day use

    • $3 per member per day for overnight use

    • $25 flat fee for Adult Guiding meetings (District, Trefoil, etc)

    • Non-Guiding members/groups should contact the PSA Properties Administrator for pricing information:

    First Choice

    Second Choice

    Third Choice

    If the above dates are not available, you will be contacted by phone/email to confirm another date.

    Crests are $2 each and need to be pre-ordered.

    Crest #1 is a lifetime, first time camper crest. Crests #2 - 6 can be ordered multiple times.

    Booking Agreement

    Once your booking is confirmed, you are required to pay a $25 non-refundable booking fee within 3 days. Girl Guide units will need to make a Unit to Area/Province transfer within unified banking, indicating the property account number in the description. (The account number will be sent to you with your booking conformation)

    To avoid paying additional fees, the campsite/building/cupboards/equipment must be left clean, tidy, and dry, as per the Camp Creina clean up checklist. If not, a $15 per hour fee will be charged.