After viewing the booking rates, you will find the booking instructions and the booking form below.
To view the availability of any Pacific Shores Area property, please see the Booking Calendar .



  • $10/night/person for Girl Guides of Canada and Scouting members
  • $12/night/person for Non Girl Guides of Canada and Scouting Members

All tenting sites

  • $8/night/person for Girl Guides of Canada and Scouting members.
  • $10/night/person for Non Girl Guides of Canada and Scouting members.

Maple Lodge and Bunkhouse

  • $12/night/person for GGC and Scouting Members.
  • $14/night/person for Non Girl Guides of Canada and Scouts members.

Any part of Camp Creina

  • $5.00 flat fee – Committee/Unit Meeting
  • $1.00/person for Girl Guide members for Day or Unit outing (<12 hours)
  • $2.00/person for non-Guiding for Day or Unit outing (<12 hours)

Booking Instructions:

Please follow these quick and easy steps:

  1. Complete the online booking form.
  2. Review this website and the Camp Creina Information Sheet for all the latest information.
  3. Once the booking form is received by the Properties Administrator, she will email a booking confirmation to the Responsible Guider/Adult listed on the form.
  4. 1-2 weeks prior to your booking date, the Responsible Guider must complete a Camp Orientation. The orientation is required EVERY time you go to camp.  Please phone one of the individuals listed at the bottom of the Camp Creina Information Sheet, and be sure to have your Camp Creina Information Guide with you during your phone orientation. 

Paying for Camp Fees

Please pay for your camp fees within 14 days of your camp.

  • GGC units: Please make a “Unit to Area/Province” transfer through Unified Banking.  Be sure to include the Camp Creina Account number in the details. (The account number is listed on your booking confirmation)
  • Non-GGC bookings can be paid by sending the completed confirmation form and your cheque to the PSA Properties Administrator.

If you have any questions about Camp Creina or the booking process, please contact the PSA Properties Administrator:

Camp Creina Information & Instructions:

PSA Properties’ Booking Form