Sparks is a place for fun activities for 5 and 6 year olds. She’ll have a blast playing games, sharing laughter and discovering her unique talents and interests with new friends in a safe space where she can just be herself.
Sparks usually meet once per week for an hour.
Sparks can try new activities like:
- Touring landmarks in the community, like a fire station or farmers’ market
- Practicing sharing with her new friends
- Going on a scavenger hunt in nature
- Choreographing fun dance moves or getting creative with collages
- Roasting s’mores at a sleepover or Girl Guide camp

Find out more about Sparks:
- Learn how units pick fun activities for 5 and 6 year olds and earn badges.
- Order the Girl Guide uniform shirt and other special Spark gear.
- Explore what she can do in Sparks with these downloadable activity sheets.

To register online, please view the unit finder or log into your family account.