Girl Guides of Canada is dedicated to ensuring our programming provides opportunities for girls and women to understand their role in the larger world so they can develop into informed and responsible global citizens. Our goal is to increase girls’ awareness about the world, promote cross-cultural learning and educate girls on global issues that inspire them to take action.

To make positive changes in the world, girls and young women need to have a voice. And Girl Guides of Canada’s international programming gives girls and women the tools they need to build a better world.

International programming highlights:

  • International travel and global development activities and discussions
  • Each year on February 22, World Thinking Day, girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honour their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries.
  • Our Twinning program helps girls connect with youth in other countries.
  • As a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), we’re part of the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.

Nationally Sponsored Trips

There’s nothing like a Guiding trip to enable girls to see the world – and themselves – in a whole new way. Girl Guides of Canada’s nationally-sponsored travel experiences offer girls the chance to increase their understanding of global issues, explore new cultures and communities, and develop a sense of belonging to the global sisterhood of Guiding.

Visit the National website to see the current listing of Nationally Sponsored Trips.